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▲ Yuantong promotes Etag to close the parking fee. Bis 2023 has expanded the scope of the service on the streets of 15 counties and cities and more than 1,500 cooperative parking spaces. They have to pay national roads and parking fees. In this year, Yuantong Electric has to solve the pain points of passers -by and 95 % of the same cost letters in Taiwan. Tables Parknetz on the Taskin City Road on the parking space contingent for a discount of 20 %. BIS 202222. If Etag Bank will have more than 3 million brands. Etag and Smart ammunition can directly contact the zero contact without paying the costume machine directly, using Etag -automatic credit cards to close the parking rate of more than 1.25 million.Electrical Revenue from Yuan Tong Said, in Addition to the Parking Lot, Etag Can So Deduce of Counties of C Oonties and Parks in the City in Taiwan, and Serves More Than 95%of the Parking Paid, included, Yilan County, Taoyuan, Hsinhu Hsinhu, Mia Ol I County, Taichung County, Chiayi County, in the City of Tai, Tai, Tai, Tai, Tai, A Bao, Tai, Tai, Tai, A Bao, Tai, Tai, Tai, Tai, Tai, Tai, A Baoo, Tai, Tai, Tai, Tai, Tai Anananana, Kaohsiung and Pingung County. It is necessary to carry out convenience stores to pay and set up a solution for completion, and no longer worry about Xiaomi losses. The magnetic parking of Taichung City enjoys a discount of 20 %.配置鐵路或製造載體可以給出“汽車硬幣”的8%“對應於NT 1.”。1.國家道路上的交通,街道上的停車成本,街道上的停車成本以及表明班級的合作停車費。收購iPhone13